If you are looking for a monument, please bring with you the basic cemetery information for where the monument is going, such as the location and number of plots. If you see something you like, or already know what you like, we encourage you to bring photos in so we can best help you.

If you need cemetery lettering, please bring with you the cemetery name, and location of the monument (section, lot #, etc.). If you have a photo of the monument, that will help us greatly.


No, appointments are not necessary, but they are recommended!

We welcome walk-ins during our open hours, but appointments are suggested so that we can best serve you. We are a small, family-operated business, and as such we are sometimes unavailable during regular business hours. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please feel free to call or email us!

Also - you are welcome to walk our display yard anytime, even after hours!


We accept most forms of payment, including: cash, check, & credit or debit card.
We typically ask for 50% deposit when placing an order.


Right now we are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. We can also do Saturday mornings by appointment! We’re typically closed on weekdays from 12:00 pm noon to 1:00 pm for lunch.


We are at 65 Lyman St. in South Hadley, MA. We are directly next to Notre Dame Cemetery, which is adjacent Mater Dolorosa Cemetery


If you’re unsure of how to start, you’re not alone! Purchasing a monument is not something familiar to most, and we realize on top of that you may be grieving too, which is why I will help guide you along the way. These FAQ are to help you know what to consider when choosing a monument.

The most important place to start is with the monument rules and regulations of the cemetery you are choosing a stone for. The SIZE and DESIGN will depend on the rules & regulations in place at your particular cemetery, so it is best to start here In order to manage expectations:


Just about every cemetery has monument size restrictions that we need to abide by, so the more information you have on your cemetery lot, the better we can help guide you in choosing a stone. This includes the section and lot number (if applicable) and the lot size (i.e. single grave, double grave, three grave, four grave, and so on…). Once we have this information, we can find out the rules and regulations of that particular cemetery so we can help you select the right monument. Sometimes cemeteries will provide you with rules and regulations when purchasing a lot, which often includes rules regarding monument sizing, but this is not always the case, so if you’re unsure we can find out for you! There are some rural cemeteries that don’t have any size restrictions, but this is less common.

Generally, most cemeteries with size restrictions will only allow something small on a single grave lot (often times there is a 2 ft. width restriction, or sometimes only a flat, grass-level marker is allowed). Double graves are allowed something larger, since the lot size is wider. Double graves often to allow a stone up to 3 ft. in width, which is a pretty average monument size for many two, three, and four grave lots. Larger lots with four, five, six, or more graves can have a wider monument than the double graves, due to the size of but the exact restrictions vary by cemetery.


Many cemeteries have rules & restrictions regarding what kinds of designs are allowed on monuments, while others do not have any restrictions design-wise and will allow just about anything! Church-run cemeteries frequently have restrictions regarding what designs they will allow. Many cemeteries do not allow personalization (i.e. portraits, photos, pets), or any design that is not related to the religious faith.

i.e. Catholic cemeteries usually require a “symbol of the Catholic faith” somewhere on every marker and headstone. The most frequently used “symbol of faith” we use in these cemeteries is a cross. Other Catholic designs include angels, praying hands, rosary, and the like.

We know that the process of choosing and designing a memorial stone can be emotional, and our purpose is to help you honor your loved one in your special way, so please know that if we have to tell you something is not allowed, it is simply because we need to follow the rules and regulations of every cemetery we work in.

If you have something special in mind, we suggest asking the cemetery office about the monument rules and regulations before purchasing a lot in order to ensure that you will be able to put in the monument you are planning for.


Please reach out to me via phone or email for a quote! It is especially helpful if you have an idea of what you’re looking for, but if not, I can help guide you! Pricing will vary based on the following factors:

Monument Size:

Most cemeteries have size restrictions based on the size of the lot - so this is the first thing to consider, what size can you have? Sometimes the size restrictions are in your cemetery deed paperwork- but not always. I can help you find out by contacting your cemetery!
Depending on the number of names the stone needs to be able to fit, I can help suggest a size that would work best to accommodate the current names going on the stone, as well as any future names that may be added later on.

Monument Color:

All monuments we sell are made from GRANITE, which comes in a variety of colors from all around the world. We supply both domestic and imported granite colors. Typically local granite colors are less expensive than imported colors.

Our most popular domestic granites: Barre Grey Granite from Barre, VT and North American Pink Granite, which comes from Canada. Our most popular imported granite colors: Jet / Midnight Black Granite, Impala Black, Bahama Blue Granite, India Red Granite.

Monument Design:

Flat Carvings are the most basic and common carving option.
Shape Carvings (commonly used for roses, flowers & leaves) have more of a 3-D effect.

Statues & Hand Carved Designs are hand carved by a sculptor. Angels are

Etching Designs are etched directly into the polished finish, either by hand, or by laser. We only recommend doing etchings on the darker stones, as the contrast allows them to show up the best. Etchings look the best on black stones.

Hand Carved Boxing Gloves

Jet Black Granite Stone with Custom Hand Carved boxing gloves inside a niche

Hand Carved Figures

Jet Black Granite Stone with Hand Carved Figure of Lady Fatima & children, with Shape Carved Roses

Jet Black Granite Stone with Hand Carved Angel

Laser Etched Scene

Impala Black Granite Stone with Laser Etching

Monument Finish - Leave it Rough or Have it Polished?
The finish of the granite will have an effect on price.
Adding a polished finish to the top & / or sides of the tablet will increase the cost because it requires additional labor to polish the stone, rather than leaving the natural, rough finish as is.

Why you might want to consider a polished top…
Ease of Cleaning - One advantage to adding a polished finish to the top of the tablet is that it is much easier to keep clean, especially if your stone is situated in the shade or underneath a tree where debris is more likely to fall.


Most cemeteries require a cement foundation be installed prior to any upright monument being installed. The cement foundation typically sits flush with the ground and is there to ensure the stability of the monument. Many cemeteries pour the foundations themselves. Some only pour once in the Spring, and once in the Fall, others pour foundations monthly... depends on the cemetery.

Foundation Cost: We typically will add the cemetery’s foundation charge to the monument cost, that way we can take care of submitting the foundation order paperwork to the cemetery for you. The cost of foundations varies by cemetery, and size. The size of the foundation is typically the same dimensions as the base of your monument. We have most local cemetery foundation prices, so if you’re unsure we can help you find out.